Bob Dylan

What more can or needs to be said about Bob Dylan as he recently turned 75. Lord knows I wrote my share and more back when I was, so allow me to share a few more thoughts.

Dylan is certainly the poet of a generation and, in my opinion, the greatest single songwriter of all time. I’ve seen him plenty, from times when I couldn’t even understand the lyrics of his most popular songs, to evenings where his brilliance filled the air. I prefer the latter.

In 2011-12 as I went through a horrific divorce, the album Blood on the Tracks helped soothe my soul ever so slightly. I cannot remember a time when I didn’t know all the words to The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan and his other early records. Along with the Beatles, he helped form an unshakeable foundation of rock and roll in me. A great big thanks to my older siblings for making that possible.

Dylan is, simply, my guy.


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